Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Swedish court has sided with Mojang in an interim injunction


Mojang can continue to use the Scrolls name thanks to winning an interim injunction against Bethesda. Although that may not end up being the final verdict, this first judgment in favor of Mojang is a positive sign for the Minecraft developer. "We won the interim injunction! We can keep wow gold using the name 'Scrolls,'" announced Markus Persson on Twitter.
Bethesda feels the Scrolls name is too similar to its Elder Scrolls trademark (Skyrim is pictured above) and wants it changed. This decision alone won't stop it from trying to get its way; while it has the option of dropping the matter, more than likely it will attempt to either seek a settlement or appeal the ruling, a move that would have to be made in the next three weeks.
Scrolls was first announced earlier this year. Details are still largely unknown other than the fact that it's a card/board game hybrid with a fantasy setting. Bethesda took issue with it and threatened legal action if the name wasn't changed. It also didn't like that Mojang had filed for a trademark on the name. Persson, who is better known as Notch, suggested a friendly game of Quake 3 could settle the matter. (Bethesda and Quake developer id Software are both owned by ZeniMax.) Bethesda was uninterested in that and pushed for the case to go to court.
Eurogamer was told by Alex Chapman, one of Mojang's legal representatives, "An interim injunction in Sweden is decided on the merits of the case only to the extent that the plaintiff has to show 'probable grounds' for trade mark infringement, and it is reasonably expected that the continued use of the mark diminishes the value of the exclusive right to the trade mark."
"That means that the burden of proof on Zenimax should have been lower than with a full and final assessment of the case and it should have been easier for Zenimax to get what it wanted at this stage compared with a full trial."
It's important to remember Chapman represents Mojang and anything he says is likely to favor Mojang, but there's no doubt this is encouraging news for the much smaller of the two companies in this dispute.
A summary of the injunction shared with buy wow gold Gamasutra shows the court found a "high degree of similarity of goods" but ultimately sided with Mojang thanks to the method Scrolls will be sold (online through Mojang-owned websites, not at retail), the commonness of the word "scrolls," and a belief that relevant customers are an informed group of gamers and not the general public.
Whether it's a settlement Bethesda seeks from here or an appeal, this matter is almost certainly not yet resolved. For now, though, Mojang is certainly sighing with relief.

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Credit Card Consolidation - The Many Roads To It

Suddenly realize that paying the minimum monthly payment on your credit cards is getting you nowhere fast? You are not alone. Many Americans are stuck with this same problem, credit card debt that will not budge an inch, no matter how diligently they make their monthly payments. Most of the time, the payments that are made are in fact the very minimum amount due, and paying only the minimum monthly payment on your credit cards can mean that you will be paying for the balances that you owe right now on your credit cards for ten, twenty, or more years.

The painful fact is that you simply cannot get rid of your credit card debt if you pay only the minimum payments because this typically does not even cover the interest charges that your debt wow gold has accrued each month. Thankfully, there is a solution to eternal debt: credit card consolidation.

Pay Off Those Credit Cards Once And For All

Credit card consolidation involves taking out a credit card consolidation loan that will pay off your credit cards completely, leaving you owing nothing to the card issuers. In turn, you will make a monthly payment to the consolidation company based on the amount that they loaned you in order to pay off your existing credit card debts.

This monthly payment, fortunately, is nearly always lower than the amount of your total combined payments that you have been making to your card issuers each month. This can save you money each month that you can use for the needs that you have and for the costs of living, while allowing you to avoid using these high interest credit cards for these purposes.

Stop Paying Outrageous Interest Now

One part of credit card consolidation that most cardholders really love is that the interest rate charged on their consolidation loan is very much lower than the interest rates that they were paying for their credit card accounts. Many cardholders end up with a card that once began at zero percent interest to find they are paying 20.99% or more.

In fact, just one late payment that arrives just a day or two after the payment due date can cause many credit card companies to adjust your original interest rate to the default rate, which can be ten or more times higher than the original interest rate that was quoted when the buy wow gold card was offered to you. That is on top of stiff penalties and late fees that credit card companies tack on to the balance owed if a payment is a few days late. Credit card debt consolidation can let you say goodbye to these types of scandalous practices and hello to the financial freedom that comes from being debt free.

Debt Free In Five Years

And because you will not be paying these unscrupulously adjusted credit card interest rates on top of the balances that you owe to your credit card issuers, you will be able to get out of debt fasterFree Reprint Articles, because you will be paying less interest and more principle. Credit card debt consolidation can help some borrowers in certain instances become credit card debt free in as little as five years.

Quickly Pay Off Student Loan Debt – Three Tips Plus Advice

You are probably looking at your bills wondering how in the devil you could be saddled with so much debt just by going to school. Or, you may be a student and your are watching the taxi-meter like debt pile up as you study. Of course, if you are out of school, right now your main focus Domain Name Registration is gaining adequate employment. But, you cannot forget about paying off student loan debt.

Times are tough, though. Look at the busy unemployment offices. Entry and mid-level positions do not really offer the cash to make a significant dent in student loans. In spite of these circumstances, there are a few ways to pay off student loan debt, whether you are in college or university now or approaching a new life off campus.

The Income Based Repayment Plan (IBR)

The Income Based Repayment Plan allows you to approach government loan officers who will examine your current financial situation and come up with a more affordable repayment strategy for you to pay diablo 3 item off student loan debt. Some people with graduate degrees can have monthly costs of over $1,000. The IBR could allow the payment to slide to $300. What a relief!

IBR offers another benefit, if you work for the government, a non-profit organization such as the Red Cross, or volunteer, you may eventually be allowed to accept loan forgiveness programs. That would be a great alternative to pay off student loan debt. It may not happen until several years of service or employment, but it will be a godsend. The loan amount and any accrued interest will be forgiven.

Scholarships, Grants, Education-Friendly Employment

Hopefully you will have applied for every scholarship or grant available. This money is free. Since you may be job shopping,buy diaoblo 3 gold pay attention to benefits that may accompany employment. Some employers will offer loan assistance, especially if your degree is relevant to the position which you hold. Work-study is another wonderful option. Sometimes these jobs are a part of your financial aid package and the position is usually on campus. These windfalls can be a great way to help you pay off student loan debt.

Save any income you can in a high-interest savings account. Check the internet, the opportunities are surprising concerning the the quick return you realize in a short amount of time, and the minimum starting savings amount can be rather small to get you on your way. The money accrued will come in handy when your education is complete. The money would put a big dent in any debt. Or it certainly will help when setting up your first household. But there are more considerations when it comes to paying off student loan debt.

Loan Consolidation Can Be a Great Boost

Many consolidation lenders try to put a big interest rate on student loan and other student debt consolidation. Here you must do diligent shopping. Consolidators are out there who offer reasonable loan rates. Strangely, and be careful, sometimes the act of consolidation can remove you weight loss diets from any kind of loan forgiveness in the future. The reason being that the original loans have actually disappeared, paid off by the consolidation and you are under obligation to a new and different lender.

Whatever you doFree Web Content, read all the fine print. You have heard this so many times it seems meaningless. The reason you keep hearing it is because it is not meaningless. You are committing a great part of your financial life to this lender and you must be aware of how and why your are obligated.

Keep an eye out for opportunities. They exist.wow gold Serious thinking and consideration about your college or post-college debt can lead to ways to quickly pay off student loan debt.